Dolph Ziggler Talks About The State Of His Career, Survivor Series & More has published an exclusive interview with Dolph Ziggler, who talks about the current state of his career in an an article titled, “The accidental Superstar: How Dolph Ziggler and the WWE Universe created a comeback hero.”

Ziggler has been on a hot streak as of late and commented on the significance of being the sole survivor in the main event of November’s WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view.

“Career-wise, you don’t think every [match] is big for your career, but [with] this one, I thought if I could pull it off, I can go to another level. I went, ‘This has to happen, this has to be perfect, this has to be done just right.’ I was nervous every step, because there were several big steps. We got lucky, combined with a lot of professional Superstars who are [really] good at their jobs.”

The article looks at the various ups and downs, starts and stops of Ziggler’s storied career. What does it take for a WWE Superstar to solidify himself as a main eventer?

“There are a million factors,” Ziggler said. “You could have every gift there is known to man and you could be that guy who is 6-foot-7 and somehow is like me in every way — only taller — but there has to be a connection… There is a glass ceiling for everybody until you find a way to get that connection that Cena has.”

There are many factors that comprise a top level talent and Ziggler recognizes you have to be the “total package” to achieve that ultimate level of success in WWE.

“Nobody works harder than me in the ring, no one steals the show more often and no one gets better reactions for a guy who’s not even part of huge storylines,” Dolph said. “People can pick and choose what they want out of it, but I feel like I’m a modern day Renaissance man of anything you could want me to do … except be six inches taller.”

There’s much more to the interview, which you can read in full at


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