ECW Getting A Major Overhaul, MVP Talks to ESPN & More

— To update the story that WWE will be overhauling the ECW brand in the coming months, the latest is that big changes are planned but won’t be made until after WrestleMania. While many ideas have been tossed around, the most likely scenario is that the ECW letters will be dropped and the show will be rebranded featuring mostly younger superstars. SyFy executives have been pushing for WWE to incorporate themes such as science fiction and conspiracies. (Source: features an interview with Raw superstar MVP, who talks at length about his feud with The Miz. MVP says he’s known the Miz since their days training at the now-defunct Deep South Wrestling and thinks the two will be headlining WWE shows in the years to come.

— There is talk of the RAW the night after WrestleMania being a 3-hour show, according to

Posted February 1st, 2010 in News, WWE. Tagged: , , .

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