Home News Edge & Christian Talk About Roman Reigns’ Wellness Policy Violation

Edge & Christian Talk About Roman Reigns’ Wellness Policy Violation

Edge & Christian Talk About Roman Reigns’ Wellness Policy Violation


Edge & Christian spoke with Nick Hausman of 120 Sports over the weekend to promote their upcoming live stage show at Caroline’s On Broadway during SummerSlam weekend. You can listen to the full segment above, here’s what the guys said about Roman Reigns’ Wellness Policy violation:

Christian: “You don’t like to see stuff like that happen to anybody. Especially when they work hard. I don’t know what the circumstances are. I don’t want to comment on it in that respect. It’s a tough thing. You don’t want to see anybody in that situation. Like I said, it’s kind of a tough thing to put your finger on and you hope that it doesn’t affect him going forward. You hope that he can continue where he left off.”

Edge: “He’ll learn from it. Like Jay said, we don’t know all of the circumstances surrounding it and probably never will. All you can do is throw guesses at it so, why bother? To me it’s like, “He’s a good kid. He’ll learn from it. He’ll own up to it and probably won’t make the same mistake again.” I think that’s how you have to kind of deal with it. You see a guy like John Cena and there’s a reason he’s the face of the company. I think that’s the kind of model that the WWE is going to put out as their franchise player. That’s what you have to look to for guidelines to kind of aspire to.”

If you’ll be in town for SummerSlam and want to see Edge & Christian’s live stage show, visit LifestyleAuthentic.com for ticket information.