Home News Elimination Chamber Title Changes, Edge’s WM26 Opponent

Elimination Chamber Title Changes, Edge’s WM26 Opponent


– Batista defeated John Cena at tonight’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view to win the WWE Title, just minutes after Cena won the belt by winning the Elimination Chamber match. Vince McMahon came out and forced Cena to defend the title against Batista.

Chris Jericho also became the World Heavyweight Champion tonight after defeating The Undertaker in the Elimination Chamber after Shawn Michaels laid Taker out and came from under the steel.

– Edge announced at tonight’s pay-per-view that he will be on RAW tomorrow night to reveal his opponent for WrestleMania 26. It’s expected he will choose Chris Jericho.

– The WWE Divas Title match between Maryse and Gail Kim is expected to happen at tomorrow’s RAW since it didn’t happen at Elimination Chamber, thanks to Vickie Guerrero.