Home News Fandango Comments On If CM Punk Will Return To WWE, Reveals Best Advice He’s Received

Fandango Comments On If CM Punk Will Return To WWE, Reveals Best Advice He’s Received

Fandango Comments On If CM Punk Will Return To WWE, Reveals Best Advice He’s Received
(via WWE)

Fandango and Tyler Breeze conducted an interview before it was revealed that Fandango had to undergo surgery and would be on the sidelines for months.

During their appearance on The Gorilla Position podcast, Fandango talked about a wide range of topics including if CM Punk will return to WWE.

“It’s one thing that I have learned over the years that being in WWE for 10 years and in the business for 18, you can never count anybody out. Who would have thought that Eric Bischoff would be in WWE?”

Also in this interview, Fandango discussed the best advice he’s received while in the pro wrestling business, which was don’t stop caring about the business but also don’t be so hard on yourself. He pointed out that if you are going through that curtain every night and in the back of your mind you are upset about a botch in a match or promo, don’t think that it’s the end of the world.

“I think it’s because of the numbers of years I have been doing this, like getting the reps. It’s like a young kid who goes up to bat and just wants to hit a home run, it’s like, he’s so nervous but after 10 years into his career he has loosened up and has struck out about 2,000 times it no longer affects him.”

Fandango continued by stating that once you have failed and it’s not the end of the world then you are more comfortable talking into a camera. He added that it takes years and years of messing up and making mistakes and then hopefully you finally get it and it clicks.

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcribed quotes.

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