Home News Flair On Cena Possibly Breaking His Title Record, Hornswoggle Takes Shot At Stardust

Flair On Cena Possibly Breaking His Title Record, Hornswoggle Takes Shot At Stardust


– WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair said during a Q&A held at “The Arnold” this past weekend in Ohio that he doesn’t know if John Cena will beat his record for the most reigns as World Heavyweight Champion, but he would be happy if he does because he feels Cena is a hard worker. One fan suggested that Flair wrestle Triple H at WrestleMania, to which Flair said he would love to do it, telling everyone that they should e-mail that idea to Vince McMahon.

– WWE Superstar Hornswoggle took a shot at Cody Rhodes on Twitter this week, which was said to come out of nowhere. He tweeted the following to the account that Rhodes uses separate from his official “Stardust” account.

(Partial Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)