Home News Former Nexus Member Michael Tarver Says That John Cena ‘Buried’ Him

Former Nexus Member Michael Tarver Says That John Cena ‘Buried’ Him

Former Nexus Member Michael Tarver Says That John Cena ‘Buried’ Him

Former Nexus member Michael Tarver recently spoke to VOC Nation’s Talkin Sass podcast. The former WWE Superstar discussed a number of topics during the interview, including how he felt he was ‘buried’ by John Cena during his time on the WWE main roster.

“The irony of how WWE works, you could be the man or the woman in developmental, and (when you) get to the main roster, it doesn’t matter how good you are,” Tarver began on the show.

“If one of the main people there don’t like you, they will do everything they can do to bury you” Tarver added. “I got to the main roster and just got buried.”

Michael Tarver on John Cena

“It was [John] Cena,” Tarver revealed, discussing who at the top of the card in WWE was ‘burying’ him. “I don’t have any heat with him now, I make jokes about it.  But there was a target on my back.  I don’t know why he targeted me, but it is what it is.”

“We ended up on good terms (but) I had to defend myself a lot” noted. “Everyone was high on me, and then all the sudden they all turned on me. People wouldn’t shake my hand, they wouldn’t even speak to me.”