Home News Former Video Game Writer Speaks Out Regarding WWE 2K20 Problems

Former Video Game Writer Speaks Out Regarding WWE 2K20 Problems

Former Video Game Writer Speaks Out Regarding WWE 2K20 Problems

A writer who worked on the Smackdown vs RAW games from 2009-2011 has been releasing a series of videos on YouTube regarding the WWE 2K franchise. Justin Leeper says that many developers have already left the game and the budget for next year’s version will likely be slashed.

“I don’t want it to seem like I’m attacking the design crew, or the developers of WWE 2K20, nobody gets out of this with their hands clean but those guys were working hard, they were given a difficult task, they could not accomplish the task and then the people above them said ‘Well, we’re going to ship it anyway.'”

Leeper mentioned he’s heard many developers have quit because they don’t want to be associated with the game anymore.

“I’ve actually heard about double-digit people on the team who have quit and they haven’t left for other stuff, they just quit,” Leeper says in the video.

“I made Road to WrestleMania 2009, 2010, 2011, they were pretty good games, pretty good modes, and they got a pretty good reception,” Leeper continued. He would continue to talk about how the mode had its budget cut in 2012.

WWE 2K20 Development Issues

Leeper’s videos can be viewed in the player below:


Another video by Leeper clarifies that the leaving developers were not from the Yuke’s Studio.
