Rumors have been circulating on Twitter that a trainer for WWE NXT Developmental Divas is facing sexual harassment allegations.
When former WWE star Trent Baretta was asked a few weeks ago whether NXT Diva Bayley is similar to him, Baretta responded, “Nope. She’s way prettier… I don’t even get sexually harassed by my strength coach.”
Recently released Briley Pierce (brother of WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler) sent out some rather questionable tweets, that were later deleted, regarding the claims. Some of the tweets included:
@HotYoungBriley- “Nothing “Hugh Morris” about enabling/protecting a sexual predator, or threatening jobs of women who complain about him”
@HotYoungBriley- “At post-show meeting will someone please say “Hey bosses after you’re done patting selves on the back- our strength coach is a huge pervert”
@HotYoungBriley- “Too vague #WWE”
@HotYoungBriley- “Is it true that the longer a guy gets away with sexual harassing and victimizing women at work, the better he is at designing workouts?”
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