Former WWE creative writer Chris “Big Dick Johnson” DeJoseph recently took part in an interview with DeJoseph speaks on several topics from his time in WWE, including the first time he met Vince McMahon, CM Punk’s departure and more. Here are some highlights of what he said about:
Meeting Vince McMahon: “First time I met Vince was cool. I got him the first of many coffees. He thanked me. I introduced myself to Mr. McMahon. He told me to call him Vince.”
Last-Minute Booking Changes in WWE: “Last minute changes happened daily. I’ve given Edge a promo for segment one, 5 minutes before RAW went on the air. He hit a home run. During Edge and Vickie’s Wedding Reception we were literally writing the show as we went. I would sneak their copy out to the stage during breaks.
Backstage Issues in WWE: “Kid Kash cornered me once. He was released soon after. And I once got in a fight in a limousine with a high power executive.”
CM Punk: “I think Punk is gone…for now.”
Other topics discussed include Stephanie McMahon and Triple H taking over Vince McMahon, what he’s been up to since his WWE departure, Michael Hayes, his first day in WWE, his favorite angles and more.