Home News Goldberg Tells Former WWE IC Champion: “You’re Next”

Goldberg Tells Former WWE IC Champion: “You’re Next”

Goldberg Tells Former WWE IC Champion: “You’re Next”

Ever since his return to the WWE back in 2016, Goldberg has enjoyed a part time run that has caused quite some controversy among fans. His two reigns as universal champion were met with mixed views. Not to mention the typical Goldberg match style no longer really flies with the post attitude era audience.

Regardless of this however, Goldberg has confirmed that he has a contract with WWE that runs until 2022 for two matches a year. This means that we have not seen the last of the 54 year old in the ring. There can be no denying that Goldberg is in great physical condition, for a man of any age, let alone being 54.

Talking in a recent episode of WWE The Bump, Goldberg also went on to say that there are a number of current roster wrestlers who he would love to face in the ring.

“The question is: could this era of Goldberg match up with anyone and have it be interesting? I think the answer is absolutely, yes.” He said.

You could accept if he was to call out a lower-tier wrestler. Someone who he could have some fun matches against. However, his choice is a far more intriguing one. It also has a very interesting backstory.

Big E… Goldberg Says You’re Next!

Calling out a man the size of Big E might seem a little strange for a man in the twilight of his career, and whose recent matches have been less than memorable. However, there is a fantastic backstory to Goldberg and Big E that certainly could make it a nice feud for the Hall of Famer to end his career with.

“So the story goes with Big E and I, that the only match I was ever late for, or I ever missed in WCW, was a match that I called in and told them I couldn’t catch the plane because I was at a signing and I had to stay until everyone was taken care of.” Goldberg explained.

“Big E was one of the kids I stayed for, OK? So, I will never forget his face, I’ll never forget that day.”

Wrestling is all about the story, and it is about the memories. There can be no denying that this would make a great story. A match between the old and new behemoth guard would make for compelling viewing.
