— Matt Hardy, wearing a “PG SUX!” T-shirt and standing in front of a Cracker Barrel restaurant, announced in his latest YouTube post that he plans to get a new hairdo in the beginning of 2011 and is asking fans to leave comments regarding what he should get.
“Should I just buzz it? Should I just cut it real short? Should I get one of those Justin Bieber hairdos? Should I get braids? Should I get dreadlocks? I don’t know, the possibilities are endless.”
Hardy concluded his video by adding that his hair is not the only thing that is changing, but that a lot of things are changing.
“… because in 2011, Matt Hardy is going to become unpredictable and he’s going to change pro wrestling forever.”
Check out the video:
— Melina’s earlier remarks on Twitter saying she was dumped today by her boyfriend have since been deleted. It’s been speculated that her account was hacked, however, all but the second remark were made via iPhone’s Twitter application, which is what she generally uses. Her second remark was made via text message.
“Getting dumped must be the new trend this new years. The feeling sucks. I’d rather be baby face and b in love than heel & dumped.”
“I wish I could b perfect enough.”
“I wish I was him. I truly wanted to be the perfect woman for you.”