Speaking to Arda Ocal of The Score, former WWE talent Harry Smith discussed his relationship with Tom “Dynamite Kid” Billington, who was a cousin and tag team partner of his late father. Billington presently resides in Manchester, England and suffers from the after-effects of steroids and his high-impact wrestling style, which has left him confined to a wheelchair and partially paralyzed.
Smith said, “I’ve keep in touch with my Uncle Tommy, I went and saw him last November, that’s when the WWE did a tour over there (in England). It was really great seeing him; we watched some of his old matches in Japan. Physically he’s in rough shape but mentally he’s still pretty sharp, we had a pretty good time and I hope to see him again soon.”
Smith also campaigned for the British Bulldogs in the WWE Hall of Fame.
“I don’t know if anything nice can happen for him maybe a Hall of Fame induction for the Bulldogs or a DVD would be really great. If the Bulldogs got called to the Hall of Fame, I would love to induct them,” Smith said.
The full interview is available here.