Home News HBK Comments On Bryan’s Return, Expendables #1

HBK Comments On Bryan’s Return, Expendables #1


— Former WWE superstar Shawn Michaels has commented on his former student Daniel Bryan’s return to the company last night at SummerSlam.

“So Bryan is back,” Michaels said. “All I can say is wise move by WWE. You just don’t leave that kind of talent out there. Happy for all parties. By the way, was this whole thing a scam? It got me. At the end of the day, who cares? Things are as they should be. That’s far more important.”

The Expendables, which has an all star cast including former WWE Champion Steve Austin, The Wrestler star Mickey Rourke and former UFC Champion Randy Couture, opened in the #1 spot at the box office this weekend, bringing in $35 million. That ranks as the 25th largest R-rated opening of all-time.

— At last night’s Summerlsam event, WWE began selling the first Nexus t-shirt. Also, the new purple shirt that John Cena wore was also on sale.

The Boston Globe is running a profile on Linda McMahon today. They discuss the steroid scandals and performer deaths, but also compliment her on being media savvy and turning negatives into positives.