Home News Heyman Working With Lesnar, Bateman’s Profiles Removed

Heyman Working With Lesnar, Bateman’s Profiles Removed


– Paul Heyman has been helping Brock Lesnar’s recent WWE promos, according to Mark Madden on Chairshots Radio. Heyman is working with Lesnar independently and there are no plans for him to work directly with WWE.

– Derrick Bateman’s profile pages have been removed from WWE.com and the Florida Championship Wrestling website, which is usually a sign that the talent has been released. Bateman stated on twitter that his profiles being taken down is “meaningless.” When asked again if he has been released, he replied, “people read into things way to much.”

– The “local talent” that Ryback squashed on Friday’s SmackDown was 18 year old James Hill, who wrestles in the UK as Jimmy Meadows. He told Thisisleicestershire.co.uk that he got booked on RAW through UK veteran wrestler Robbie “The Wildcat” Brookside.

VIDEO: Watch RYBACK Squash James Hill