Home News Hideo Itami Comments On CM Punk Using His GTS Finisher, John Cena’s Birthday

Hideo Itami Comments On CM Punk Using His GTS Finisher, John Cena’s Birthday


– John Cena is celebrating his 38th birthday today. He as born April 23rd, 1977.

– NXT star Hideo Itami took a light hearted jab at CM Punk on Twitter. Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks tweeted on Wednesday. “I wish I could go back in time to day 1 & tell myself the following.. Break all the rules. Don’t care what anyone else thinks. Act like a sociopath. But back it all up in the ring.”

CM Punk responded:

Hideo Itami, who was using the Go To Sleep finishing move long before CM Punk, responded to Punk’s tongue-in-cheek claim that he’d never steal someone’s finish: