How WWE Wrestlers Hide Under the Ring During Live Shows

Former WWE Champion Jinder Mahal recently revealed the secrets of how wrestlers hide under the ring, sharing the details during an appearance on fellow WWE alumnus Maven Huffman’s YouTube channel.

According to Mahal, performers slip under the ring during commercial breaks or video packages when the arena goes dark. These moments coincide with routine ring crew maintenance, making the movement less noticeable to the audience.

The space beneath the ring, known as “the bed,” is more accommodating than fans might expect. Mahal described finding a designated mat for comfort, along with WWE technician Nick Daw, who maintains a position there with broadcasting equipment. The area is stocked with refreshments including water, Diet Coke, and Red Bull.

The technician monitors the show via a screen and stays connected to producers through a headset, ensuring precise timing for any spots involving under-ring appearances.

Wrestlers Hiding Under the Ring

Wrestlers hiding under the ring is a classic WWE tactic to create surprise appearances. Notable matches featuring this element include:

  • The Undertaker and Kane: Both wrestlers have famously utilized the space under the ring for dramatic entrances.
  • Bray Wyatt: Wyatt often used this tactic to enhance his eerie character, appearing unexpectedly during matches.
  • Hornswoggle: As the illegitimate son of Vince McMahon, Hornswoggle’s gimmick involved hiding under the ring, popping out unexpectedly, and distracting opponents.

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Saturday, April 5 at 6:00pm