Huge Backstage Heat On Ryback In WWE, Heyman To Break Apart From Him Soon?

According to one source, WWE Superstar Ryback has heat on him for a number of different reasons.

For one, WWE reportedly feels as if Ryback hasn’t developed in the ring as well as they would have liked. In fact, many believe Ryback has actually gotten worse in the ring as time goes on. He has apparently roughed up a number of different talents, with the most recent example being top WWE performer CM Punk.

Additionally, the company seems to feel that Ryback does not represent himself well when making various media appearances. WWE reportedly received feedback from multiple appearances that Ryback made that claimed he looked unhappy to be there, and this was prior to his official heel turn. One source noted that Ryback seemed annoyed at having to do public appearances for the company.

The heat on Ryback is so bad right now that he may lose a lot of the momentum the company is putting behind him if things don’t turn around in rapid fashion. There has even been talk of removing Paul Heyman from his on-air storyline, so that Heyman can move forward without him.

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