Home News Huge Update On The Alberto Del Rio & Drew McIntyre Real-Life Brawl

Huge Update On The Alberto Del Rio & Drew McIntyre Real-Life Brawl


More details have come to light regarding the story we published late Sunday night involving the real-life brawl featuring WWE Superstars Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre.

As the story goes, the two were at an Irish pub on Saturday night and a physical altercation broke out between Del Rio and several of the patrons at the establishment. According to one eye-witness, Del Rio got involved in a verbal confrontation with a gentleman, when several of his friends stepped in. This led to the physicality that broke out, and apparently fellow WWE Superstar McIntyre jumped in on behalf of Del Rio. Apparently the two were beaten up pretty good.

When Del Rio returned to the hotel, he had two black eyes, bad bruising and swelling, and was attempting to cover his face so that he would not be spotted by anyone in the lobby. Del Rio was accompanied by McIntyre, who didn’t have as much actual facial damage, but was said to be pretty lumped up as well.

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[Credit: F4WOnline.com]