Home News Hulk Hogan Speaks On His RAW Birthday Celebration, Vince McMahon & More

Hulk Hogan Speaks On His RAW Birthday Celebration, Vince McMahon & More


The following are highlights of a new Miami Herald interview with Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan on his recent birthday segment on RAW: “I got rattled when they played the package because I didn’t know what they were going to do. Vince [McMahon] likes to do the sneaky stuff without telling me. I was rattled when I saw the package and really fell apart reflecting on that time. Everybody from Flair to Piper to Orndorff was supposed to come out and say stuff. Nobody got to say anything. When Hall and Nash got to the ring WWE was saying no promos. No promos? I thought you had to have Hall’s ‘Hey Yo.’ Then there had to be the transition to sing the birthday song to lead to [Brock] Lesnar coming out. The whole thing wasn’t going down the way we thought it was, but we had some old pros in there to pull it off. It was very emotional.”

Hogan on Vince McMahon making an appearance after RAW went off the air: “I didn’t expect that. Nobody told me that was going to happen. I thought Vince was for sure going to throw the cake at me, and I was going to dive into the cake, but he was cool. He gave me a big hug. It was just a great night. It really was.”

Check out the complete interview at MiamiHerald.com.