Hulk Hogan Talks About His Past Steroid Use (VIDEO)

Hulk Hogan appeared on Don Imus’ Fox Business News radio show this morning to hype his return to the ring this coming Monday night on TNA iMPACT!

After going through his usual story of hitting rock bottom during his divorce and getting his life back together, Imus asked Hogan if he ever used steroids and if so, whether he still does. Hogan replied:

“Nawwww. I think we’ve been re-educated. I’m back at my weight when I was in ninth grade here – about 290 pounds. When I was on steroids, I was about 325, 330.”

After Hogan admitted that he did used to use steroids when they were legal, Imus asked him the drugs took a toll on his body over the years.

“Yeah, I beat my body up pretty bad. I don’t think any. I didn’t abuse them. When I did them, it was a situation that it was legal at the time and the doctors would monitor you and I would always have my blood taken. It wasn’t a situation where I went to some gym and buy a bag of unlabeled bottles and try to get to 450 pounds. I had a little bit of common sense. You can tell the guys that went down that road have health problems now and things are crazy wrong with them.”

Hogan is “in character” for most of the interview and also talks about Vince McMahon vs. John Cena on RAW Monday night, Ric Flair’s recent domestic violence incident and more.

You can watch the full segment below:

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