Hurricane Helms and Cody Hall were involved in a social media beef earlier today. Things started innocently enough when Hall expressed he isn’t a fan of comic books or super-heroes.
Am I the only one who never liked superheroes and comics?
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
Normally, little would come from this. Comic icon Stan Lee died yesterday, however, likely meaning the topic is a sensitive one for some.
Hurricane Helms vs Cody Hall Via Twitter
Helms then offered advice for Hall, telling him he should delete his account. At this point, the two men realized they share the same move in their arsenal. Hall commented on his chokeslam versus Helms’.
My chokeslam is better than yours.
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
This led to a conversation regarding who gets paid more to do the chokeslam.
Mine pays better. ??
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) November 13, 2018
Hall then brought up a time when his father paid for Hurricane’s lunch, which seems nice of the legendary Scott Hall.
I remember when we had a tag match, my dad paid for your lunch before the show , you didn’t even say than you after. Guess you don’t get paid too much.
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
It should be noted that at this point even most of each guy’s Twitter followers stopped chiming in and just allowed the two to have their own public conversation.
Exactly. I tagged with you my third match, you gave me no advice, only cared about doing your pose and chokeslam spot, and hustled a free lunch and didn’t even say thank you. I couldn’t be less off a mark for you. Don’t @ me
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
Helms then disputed Hall’s claims he offered no advice during the match.
Well the crowd had to pop for something. ????? Also, I gave you no advice? I put that match together to hide your greenness. If you didn’t learn from that, then that’s on you.
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) November 13, 2018
Somebody finally at this point decided the conversation should go into DMs. Evidently, Hall disagreed with this, however.
Wow. You type this cool guy response at the same time you DM me. Really….. green me was way more impressive than some guy clinging to comedy and face paint to find a spot in the business.
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
Hall then offered up the following when Hurricane responded that he had at least found a spot in the wrestling business.
You were a jabroni and you know it. Your only anyone because you were around when wrestling was hot, and you know. Your lucky the rock had a match with you, that’s all I even remember of you, you know it. Go do a shoot interview on how I picked on you. You got nothing left.
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
Things finally came to a stop after Hall posted the following:
“Stand back, there’s a bitter old man coming through”
— ? The Last BadGuy ? (@Cody_Hall1) November 13, 2018
Cody Hall is currently competing in Pro Wrestling NOAH’s Global League. He’s 0-2 so far, having lost to Maybach Taniguchi and Go Shiozaki.
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