Home News Injury Update On John Morrison, Randy Orton DVD In The Works

Injury Update On John Morrison, Randy Orton DVD In The Works


(sources: Pro Wrestling Torch, PWInsider.com, www.f4wonline.com)

— John Morrison is currently nursing an ankle injury, thus explaining why he has not been featured on television as of late. It remains unknown the injury occurred, but he headed into the May 16 Raw live event in London, Ontario injured. That night, he worked a brief match with Vladimir Kozlov and was noticeably limping on his way to the backstage area. He was also favoring the ankle while signing autographs after the show.

There is no word yet on when he’ll return to action, but it doesn’t appear serious. He was backstage at Monday’s Raw taping and was said to be moving around well.

– The tentative title for WWE’s planned DVD release on Randy Orton later this year is Randy Orton: The Viper Uncoiled.

— It was Natalya’s birthday yesterday as she turned 28 years old.