Home News Iron Shiek Talks About Winning The WWF Title From Bob Backlund & Dropping It To Hulk Hogan

Iron Shiek Talks About Winning The WWF Title From Bob Backlund & Dropping It To Hulk Hogan


Inside The Ropes Radio with Hugo Savinovich
Show airs Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m.
Available at InsideTheRopes.podbean.com

Winning the WWF Title from Bob Backlund: That was the biggest day in my life. Bob Backlund was WWF Champion for six years. Nobody beat him. I was the first Iranian, Middle-Eastern guy to come there and I beat Backlund in the most famous arena in the world, Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Dropping the belt to Hulk Hogan: “I had so much heat because of the hostage situation going on. McMahon was worried about me. I was the first Iranian to be the champion, he was afraid about somebody hurting me. So I lost the belt to Hogan. It was again Madison Square Garden. I was part of the company, whatever he wanted me to do, I’d do it. I felt bad about it because I was a real wrestler and would’ve liked to stay champ, but Hogan had good charisma and he stole the show every night everywhere he went, so they had every right to have me drop the belt to Hogan.”

To hear the full chat where Sheik also talks about being trained by Verne Gagne, working as Col Mustafa and his unreleased autobiography with WWE, head over to http://www.facebook.com/theinsidenetwork