Home News Jamie Noble Announces His Retirement From WWE

Jamie Noble Announces His Retirement From WWE


On Monday, we reported that WWE.com had posted an article saying that Raw superstar Jamie Noble was considering retirement following the brutal attack he sustained at the hands of Sheamus last week on Raw. “Luckily, the doctors tell me I’m going to recover again,” Noble told WWE.com earlier this week. “But I’m laying here thinkin’ about how great my life is with my wife and my son. I’m thinkin’, how many more times am I gonna be lucky enough to walk out of the hospital on my own? I’m thinkin’ it might be time to hang up my tights and boots.”

That article has since been taken down and replaced with a new one (which you can read here) announcing that Noble contacted WWE to reveal his decision to conclude his seven-year career as a WWE Superstar and retire from the squared circle. Noble made the “regrettable announcement” shortly after being released from the medical facility where he’s been receiving treatment following the Sheamus attack.

At this point, there’s no word on whether the retirement is legit or part of a storyline to build up Sheamus.