Jeff Hardy: “I Can’t Screw Up Again, If I Do I’m Done”

Jeff Hardy recently re-signed with WWE. Hardy was arrested twice in 2019. In July, he was arrested for public intoxication in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Then back in October, he was arrested for DUI in Moore County, North Carolina.

Hardy said recently in an interview with BT Sport that he can’t afford to screw up again.

“I can’t screw up again if I do I’m done. Living one day at a time has been huge for me.”

“When I heard what happened to Chadwick Boseman, it touched my soul. I want to be an example, a good person.”

Hardy’s comments can be heard in the below Tweet:

Jeff Hardy Re-Signs With WWE

In a previous clip, Hardy spoke about wanting to use No More Words as his entrance music again.

“When we do get in front of a crowd again, that was a part of me re-signing I was like ‘if we get back in front of people again I would like to use No More Words again’ because I know y’all want it.”

“I think the Hardyz Boyz music is just for Matt & Jeff Hardy not for Jeff Hardy,” he continued.

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