Home News Jeff Hardy In Court Today Over Multiple Felony Drug Charges

Jeff Hardy In Court Today Over Multiple Felony Drug Charges


Jeff Hardy is scheduled to be at the Moore County Criminal District Court in Carthage, North Carolina today for a probable cause hearing stemming from his September 11th arrest on multiple drug charges. The charges include:

  • Felony possession of cocaine.
  • Felony drug trafficking of opium
  • Two counts of felony possession with intent to redistribute a Schedule III drug
  • Maintaining a dwelling for drug use and/or distribution (also a felony)
  • Misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia

If it is determined that a crime was committed and Jeff Hardy is probably the party who committed the crime, the cases move on to a Grand Jury. Upon review of the facts and evidence, the Grand Jury can criminally indict Hardy.  If Jeff Hardy gets indicted, the cases are transferred to Superior Court.

We’ll have more on this story later today.