Jeff Jarrett Praises Wrestling Legend as the “John Cena of the Territories”

Jeff Jarrett has expressed his respect for wrestling legend ‘Bullet’ Bob Armstrong, calling the WWE Hall of Famer the John Cena of his era.

Armstrong broke into the wrestling industry in 1960 and would compete for over half a century before his final match in 2019.

Armstrong would capture dozens of championships throughout his career, including over a dozen reigns as a Heavyweight Champion.

Less than a year after his final match, Armstrong passed away in August 2020 due to complications with bone cancer.

Bullet Bob Armstrong

In 2002, Armstrong began working with the up-start promotion TNA Wrestling, known today as Impact Wrestling.

Working with TNA put Armstrong together with company founder Jeff Jarrett, a long-time fan of Armstrong.

Speaking on his ‘My World’ podcast, Jarrett praised Bullet Bob as one of the greatest of all time.

“Bob was a regional, a territory superstar, but he was like a megastar. He was a Hulk Hogan. He was a Stone Cold [Steve Austin.] He was a John Cena of the territories. He was so good at his trade, at his craft.

“He could talk them into the building like none other. He looked great. He worked out, daily into his late, late, late, late years. Until he got really sick, he was in the gym. He took care of his body. He worked his a** off. He was just a megastar.”

“He was a Hulk Hogan. He was a Stone Cold [Steve Austin.] He was a John Cena of the territories.”

Jeff Jarrett on ‘Bullet’ Bob Armstrong.

Speaking about Armstrong’s 2011 induction into the WWE Hall of Fame, Jarrett said there were very few more deserving of the honor.

“His place in the WWE Hall of Fame is big-time rightfully deserved in so many ways.”

Jeff Jarrett.

“He was box office, and at the end of the day, that is what the industry is about. You can be a good in-ring performer, you can have a great promo skill. You can do this and that. In this era, you can have all kind of five-star accolades. Bullet drew money, and that’s the most important thing at the end of the day. Bullet put butts in seats.”

Bullet’s Legacy

While Bob Armstrong was an accomplished wrestler in his own-right, he would also be the father to four sons who broke into the industry.

Armstrong was the father to Bob, Scott, Steve and Brian Armstrong, the latter of whom fans known as ‘Road Dogg’ Jesse James.

Speaking about the family, Jarrett had even more praise.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Scott, Brad, Steve, Brian. They’re all phenomenal workers… Brian by far has the best verbal skill but in-ring skills, they can all tell stories.”

Jeff Jarrett.

All four Armstrong sons would compete in the ring, and Scott Armstrong would go on to become a WWE referee.

Posted October 25th, 2022 in WWE, News. Tagged: , .

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