Jim Ross Beleives Lex Luger Should be in WWE Hall of Fame

The voice of wrestling, Jim Ross has spoken up on his Grilling with JR podcast about ex-WWE star Lex Luger. Focusing particularly on why he believes Luger Should be in the WWE Hall of Fame. During his time in the ring, Lex Luger held multiple championships. While he never truly succeeded in WWE, Jim Ross feels it’s only a matter of time before he is inducted.

“I believe that Lex Luger will be in the WWE Hall of Fame,” Ross said.

Recent talk of Lex Luger and a hall of fam induction have been backed by both Corey Graves and Mick Foley. The latter of whom wrote a lengthy post dissecting the matter.

During his podcast, Jim Ross spoke at length about how he believes Lex Luger deserves to be included, despite the history. He also resurrected his frustrations with how the Hall of Fame ceremony is conducted. Stating how he hoped Lex Luger would get the right amount of time needed to tell his story.

“I think it will be a popular decision when it occurs because he will be allowed his two or three minutes he’s allocated, which we’ve talked about before is ridiculous. Don’t induct so damn many people. Have a manageable number of people so that they have the appropriate time using common sense, logic, to tell their story. He’s got a hell of a story to tell.”

Jim Ross Believes the Time is Now for Luger to be Inducted into Hall of Fame

Jim Ross alluded to previous inductees who had a rocky relationship with the company. However, he believes Luger’s induction will be sooner rather than later because telling is posthumously just doesn’t work as well.

“If they want to tell stories and they want a visual, Lex is obviously, thank God, still alive. Here’s a guy that will be rolled onto the stage to tell his story, he’s in a wheelchair. If you’re looking for a story, this could be a great story and a story of success because Lex found true happiness in his faith. I think that he’ll be in and I think it will be a great induction, I truly believe that. I think that some old wounds just don’t heal as quickly as others when you embarrass the company to some degree.”

There are a lot of names worthy of being in the WWE Hall of Fame. Lex Luger is one of them. Hopefully, Jim Ross’s words will be heard, and the right call will be made.

Posted July 4th, 2021 in WWE, News. Tagged: .

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