Home News Jim Ross Blog: “Boston Screwjob” At Survivor Series Tonight?, More

Jim Ross Blog: “Boston Screwjob” At Survivor Series Tonight?, More


The following are highlights from the latest online blog by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

On tonight’s WWE Survivor Series main event: “Orton vs. Big Show for the WWE Title….I’d expect some sort of a ‘Boston Screw Job’ at Survivor Series especially with Bret Hart on the HOF TV panel. Plus, remember when Bret got shafted at Survivor Series versus Bob Backlund. Just seems as if it’s too easy to not cheat Big Show out of the title and to add much needed heat to Orton and the ‘Authority’ personas. Nice place here for the Shield to circle back through the PPV.”

On “yes-men” backstage in wrestling: “To hear those that are in positions of authority silently nod in agreement at all of upper management’s concepts or suggestions and then gather amongst themselves to bitch and complain is disheartening. Those offenders will tell you that they’ve just trying to keep their jobs which is more often than not sadly true.”

On a Survivor Series memory involving Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon: “One of my favorite Boston, the site of tonight’s WWE Survivor Series, memories with WWE saw me sharing a small dressing room in the old, Boston Garden with Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan. The Brain would hide Gorilla’s suspenders, socks, etc in the non air conditioned cubby hole that we were sharing. At just the right time, before the ‘Big Ape’ exploded, ‘Wease’ would refrain from angering the giant of a man any further. It was all about ‘timing’ and no one had better timing than Bobby Heenan.”

Check out the complete blog online at JRsBarBQ.com.

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