Home News Jim Ross Blog: Bray Wyatt As A Babyface, Reigns & Sheamus’ RAW Segment & More

Jim Ross Blog: Bray Wyatt As A Babyface, Reigns & Sheamus’ RAW Segment & More


WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross updated his official blog at JRsBarBQ.com for the second time this week with his thoughts on Monday’s RAW, including the much-talked-about Roman Reigns and Sheamus segment, his thoughts on Bray Wyatt’s potential as a babyface and more. Below are some of the highlights.

On Roman Reigns & Sheamus’ performance on RAW:

“Like the fact that WWE is trying to create a faction with Sheamus and company. Whether it works or not is TBD but hopefully the four talents involved are contributing to the presentation. If they aren’t and it fails then they need to look in the mirror.

Roman Reigns will advance faster up the ladder and with a stronger foundation if more of the Roman TV persona is presented naturally and not so scripted or produced. For Roman to be put in a position to carry a long in ring promo isn’t fair to him or his fans. Always play to the talents’ strengths and long oratory isn’t one of Reigns strengths just yet.

Might just be me but do most fans think the ‘Tater Tot’ line is funny? It was cute the first time that I heard it on RAW and then it got old in a hurry.”

On Bray Wyatt’s babyface tease:

“Loved it when the Wyatts came out to confront Sheamus’ crew. Did you feel the buzz when fans thought Bray Wyatt was going to turn into a long awaited, character baby face? He’s money in that role MO but has minimal, villain steam as he hasn’t won any big bouts in recent memory.

Talents that are NOT over do not get over by losing consistently. It’s simple human nature, folks.”