Home News Jim Ross Blog: Potential Bill DeMott Lawsuits, Global Force TV Deal & More

Jim Ross Blog: Potential Bill DeMott Lawsuits, Global Force TV Deal & More


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog update, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:

Projects He’s Working On: “We had some productive meetings in LA the past couple of days and my itch to get back into some form of play by play needs scratching. Boxing and MMA folks are speaking with us and where that goes is anyone’s guess but I’m told that it looks positive multiple fronts.”

Potential Lawsuits Over Bill DeMott: “Contingency attorneys must be licking their chops on the thought of expected litigation on the allegations directed to the Bill DeMott matter. If I were them I might not spend that money just yet. ”

NXT: “Smart move by WWE to tour outside their home base of Florida as it helps the talents in a multitude of ways. Poor travelers don’t make great roster members in my view. Plus, by booking some experienced talents with the younger ones the ‘rookies’ will improve exponentially faster. Fact: rookies cannot improve as needed working only with other rookies.”

Global Force Wrestling: “Getting lots of questions about what’s next for Global Force Wrestling and I expect Jeff Jarrett to address this matter after WrestleMania. However if he does to a series of TV tapings I do think that doing them in Las Vegas is a splendid idea. Begs the question, if Jeff actually is planning on taping TV, could a network deal be too far behind? Yes, Jeff and I are talking but there is no “deal” on the table at this time.”