Home News Jim Ross Blog: Royal Rumble Controversy, RAW Announcement, Roman Reigns, Casket Match & More

Jim Ross Blog: Royal Rumble Controversy, RAW Announcement, Roman Reigns, Casket Match & More


In his latest website blog, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross shares some more random thoughts about the controversy stemming from this past Sunday’s WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view, as well as thoughts from Thursday’s live WWE SmackDown broadcast.

Below are highlights:

On some more random Royal Rumble thoughts: “No one was booing Roman Reigns at live events prior to the Rumble. People booed Reigns because Daniel Byran did NOT win the Rumble match and not because Roman DID.

In hindsight, like Orton, and Sheamus, Daniel Bryan should not have been booked in the Rumble match.

I still feel that the next several WWE TV broadcasts will hold new and provocative content as it relates to the Rumble matters leading into WM31.

Fans often times forget that there are multiple, ‘right’ ways to do something regarding storylines, etc in the biz. It’s been that way since I can remember.”

On the casket match at SmackDown: “Daniel Bryan got a key victory over Kane on Thursday night Smackdown but I still am leery that most fans won’t like who DB faces at WM31 unless it’s in a title bout or should I say it’s in THE title bout.”

On Roman Reigns and Triple H’s announcement on next week’s RAW: “While many still question WWE’s decision to postilion Roman Reigns where he’s headed apparently, I applaud the long term planning component of the process. I do agree with many that Reigns is a work in progress but he’s got a great upside IMO.

I love this, any time a villain says he’s going to put an end to a particular controversy, it generally means he’s going to add to said controversy.”

Check out the complete blog at JRsBarBQ.com. You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at WWEShop.com.