Home News Jim Ross Blog: The Shield Breaking Up, His Debut As A Boxing Commentator

Jim Ross Blog: The Shield Breaking Up, His Debut As A Boxing Commentator


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

His Debut As A Boxing Announcer: “I had a great time in El Paso at Fort Bliss broadcasting Golden Boy Promotions boxing event Monday night that aired on Fox Sports 1. It was a new experience for me professionally and one that I enjoyed. The feedback has been largely positive even from the established boxing community. Getting back into the groove after a somewhat long layoff on Monday Night TV wasn’t as difficult as I perceived that it might be.”

“We signed a one fight deal with @GoldenBoyBoxing and @FoxSports1 so, for those asking, I don’t know what the future holds as it relates to more boxing broadcasts but we’re open to it.”

Videos Of Jim Ross’ Debut As A Boxing Commentator

Rumors Of The Shield Breaking Up: “Hoping that the Shield stay together at Sunday’s Payback event in Chicago. With WWE woefully low on top heroes those three can and will continue to grow into their expanded, main event level roles but are they ready to do so solo today? Nope. But they can get there if they steer the course. A hot, protagonist faction is marketable and the longer they can go forward as a unit as they are currently being booked the hotter one of more will be when they turn.”

“Some have speculated that Roman Reigns will defect on Sunday but I hope not. Patience is needed here but the pro wresting business isn’t known for it’s patience these days or so it seems.”

WWE Magazine Hints That The Shield Is Breaking Up

There’s much more to the blog, including JR’s thoughts on John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt at Payback and Alicia Fox’s new character development.