WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what he said about:
Stardust’s Debut: “I like the duo of Goldust and Stardust and they have a significant upside. Too bad that they aren’t heels, and perhaps they will be in time, as the Usos are fan favorites like the Rhodes brothers and the two teams have the potential to have some great matches but the fans need a team to cheer and one to jeer….IMO. Nonetheless with one simple, creative move Monday night the tag team scene in WWE became topical and relevant.”
Bray Wyatt’s Character: “Bray Wyatt continues to be pushed as a ‘character baby face’ on RAW. His gritty and often times irreverent character is highly entertaining and allows the audience to systematically interact with him and seemingly gets more popular by the week. It’s only a matter of time until he’s changing jerseys IMO. Mentioning the name of the town that he’s in ala Mick Foley’s “Cheap POP” or Stone Cold’s “Give me a hell yeah!” plus the sing along to ‘He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands’ makes Bray fan friendly.”
The Development of Roman Reigns: “Roman Reigns is looking like the next ‘it’ guy, or so it seems, and I am completely fine with that. Great shine in the battle royal for the Samoan athlete and as I said months ago on the Ross Report Podcast, I’ve got Reigns winning the Rumble and then the WWE Title at WM31 and hopefully not before. WM31 is the only place to put Reigns on the desired pedestal. Plus, he is far from polished and that comes with time. In other words, I hope he isn’t rushed or force fed to the fans.”
There’s much more to this blog, including JR’s thoughts on the WWE World Heavyweight championship situation and several of his pet peeves about today’s wrestling landscape.