Home News Jim Ross Blog: Undertaker’s Return, Big E Langston, Flair & Foley Wrestling Again

Jim Ross Blog: Undertaker’s Return, Big E Langston, Flair & Foley Wrestling Again


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:

Undertaker’s Return: Many are asking about the return of the Undertaker as mentioned by HHH Monday Night on Raw. “Not seeing the last of the Deadman” can mean a variety of things, one can assume. In my perfect world it would be Taker vs _________ at WrestleMania 29 where “The Steak” would extend to 21-0. For some Twitter followers who are seemingly hell bent on Taker losing at WrestleMania, I’d be reluctant for them to handle my taxes. It makes zero sense for “The Steak” to ever die, in my humble opinion.

Big E Langston: The addition to Big E Langston is significant, especially, for @HeelZiggler notwithstanding @WWEAJLee. I’ve seen a lot of Big E in NXT and he’s a physical beast with uncanny natural strength and surprising agility for a 280 pounder. “E” is no Clydesdale and his football background has enhanced Langston’s athleticism. Aside from @TheMarkHenry, Langston is likely the strongest man on any WWE roster. As I have said here on multiple times, I’d suggest that you keep an eye on Big E Langston whose upside is significant. But, as always, “Potential will only buy the groceries for so long.”

Foley & Flair Wrestling Again: Do I ever expect to see @realMickFoley or Ric Flair wrestle again? To answer a frequent question on that matter, the answer is simply “No.” They don’t need to grapple again in a bout but being involved occasionally in the isolated incident might be OK… depending on what the demands of said incident were. Just my two cents.