WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a lengthy blog with his thoughts about Bret “The Hitman” Hart returning to WWE in January. As always, you can read JR’s full blog and purchase his delicious BBQ products over at JRsBarBQ.com. Ross wrote:
“Firstly, having Bret Hart return to a WWE locker room and be able to mentor young talents is awesome. Young wrestlers need more positive role models who have made it within the business and Bret would no doubt be a great mentor and coach. I have often wondered why Bret has not been asked or arrangements made for Bret to do be a “reoccurring professor” in WWE’s developmental program, FCW.
“Secondly, Bret would not come back to WWE without a game plan and a strategy. Just as his wrestling matches had a beginning, a middle and an end so would the “Hitman’s” return to WWE especially considering the controversy of Montreal 1997 which is an issue that seemingly won’t die to wrestling historians and aficionados much like the President Kennedy tragedy in Dallas in 1963 to conspiracy theorists.
“Bret is too smart that, IF, he’s coming back to WWE that he has a sound strategy in mind with a predetermined destination. It doesn’t take the class Valedictorian to make an educated guess that destination might logically be Wrestlemania 26.
“Thirdly, if it is physically possible for Bret Hart to have a physical confrontation with his “arch nemesis” Mr. McMahon that attraction could be significant for WM26. When I last saw Bret at the Cauliflower Ally Club function a couple of years ago in Vegas he looked great. Pulling off an entertaining, say, “Street Fight” would not require the participants to have a traditional, wrestling bout of which Bret was the master back in the day.
“I find it hard to believe that if Bret “Hitman” Hart’s name was mentioned so prominently on Monday Night Raw that there is more than simply smoke but also some fire as it relates to this matter and I hope that I’m right as the return of the “Hitman” would be great for the fans and would add a new, fresh and much needed creative element to Monday Night Raw. not to mention enhancing Monday Night Raw’s build to WM26. USA Network should be ecstatic is this matter comes to fruition.
“Some have emailed me about what the potential of Bret returning would mean to the Hart Dynasty and I don’t know that answer. My guess is that the Dynasty would naturally get more exposure but I see this matter as being much more about Bret and Mr. McMahon that any thing else with the goal to create some exciting, new TV moments from its inception through WM26.
“Again, this is purely personal  speculation and only one guy’s opinion as I have, as previously mentioned, not spoken to any one in the Hitman or WWE camps about this matter.
“Bottom line is that if Bret Hart returns to WWE that, in my opinion, it will be on Monday Night Raw, it will commence on Monday January 4 and that it will culminate in something big at WM26.