Jim Ross Blogs About Curt Hennig On The 10 Year Anniversary Of His Passing

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com with his thoughts on the late WWE Hall of Famer Curt Hennig on the 10 year anniversary of his passing. Here’s what JR said about Hennig:

“Can’t help but think about Curt Henning aka Mr. Perfect today on the anniversary of his untimely passing. “Perfecto’ was as good a natural athlete as I’ve ever been around in the wrestling biz. Curt starting so young and wrestling so much likely contributed to his lingering back injuries as back ailments are horrific for any performer in the sports entertainment biz. Curt was also one of the funniest guys that I ever worked with on commentary and had legit, natural timing much like a guy he watched while growing up, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan.”

“Curt truly loved life and some could argue that he loved it a little too much at times. Nonetheless I value the relationship that we had and the fun doing WWE voice overs at the Stamford, Ct studios back in the day. Chief Jay Strongbow nicknamed Curt “Dennis the Menace” because of his mischievous demeanor at times.”

“Curt was one of my favorite wrestlers and when he was healthy he could hang with anyone. I am optimistic that his son Joe also know as Michael McGillicutty will be a main event level talent before all is said and done. I’ve seen Joe wrestle a great deal especially down in NXT and he has every thing he needs to be special. It’s all about timing and right place at the right time but I’m confident that Joe will persevere and get to the next level and it could happen in 2013. I’d be surprised if it doesn’t.”

JR also wrote about Bruno Sammartino’s WWE Hall of Fame induction, Mark Henry’s return to WWE television and WWE signing indie talent.

Posted February 10th, 2013 in News, WWE. Tagged: .

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