Jim Ross Blogs About His Visit To WWE Developmental

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross visited WWE developmental this week and wrote about the experience on his blog at JRsBarBQ.com.

JR says he’ll be making monthly visits to Florida Championship Wrestling and the development of new talent is a top priority for WWE.

Here are some highlights of what JR said about this visit:

Promo Class: “The Wednesday promo class, where the individuals have the opportunity to create their own verbiage was excellent. Some talents were highly entertaining and spot on from where I was sitting. This area has improved greatly since I was last in Tampa.”

What He Said To The Talent: “I had a long talk w/ the group about the responsibilities that come w/ being a WWE Superstar which is everyone at FCW’s goal. In my personal opinion, individuals making poor or selfishly bad personal decisions have opened the door leading to their own exit. Humans make mistakes and should be provided second chances, as a rule, but some issues merit immediate dismissal. Don’t want to come off as a hardass but this generation in general seems to be more prone to bonehead mistakes and errors in judgment…see Braylon Edwards of the NY Jets, for example. Simply ‘do right’ and all usually works out as it should.”

Developing Young Talent: “WWE has assembled a nice roster in Tampa that possesses plenty of upside that should evolve in time. Patience, hard work, outside the ring study, gym work, and upping the passion will help many of the better athletes find their way to the big time. I think that I may have perhaps been a coach in a different life as I really enjoy interacting w/ the young talents. I sure hope that I’ve been able to help them.”