WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety over at JRsBarBQ.com. Naturally, this installment focused on last night’s “marathon” episode of RAW, which JR says “seemed to lack some spark/sizzle” considering it was the go-home show before WrestleMania.
JR commented on Shane & Undertaker’s opening segment, which saw Shane take his life in his hands by diving off the top rope and crashing down on The Undertaker on the announcer’s table at ringside. JR expects them to deliver on Sunday night, but ponders how much higher the stakes would be if Taker was still undefeated at WrestleMania.
As Roman Reigns climbs his uphill battle for fan acceptance, JR continues to anticipate a double turn from Reigns and Triple H in the WWE title match. “Getting the audience to cheer Roman Reigns isn’t simply going to happen any time soon so why continue to go against the grain?” he ponders.
Regarding Eva Marie’s tepid reaction on RAW, JR is wondering if she’s getting heel heat or simply “go away” heat. He thinks Eva deserves some patience, but sees potential for her to be a “special personality” if handled properly.
The buildup for WrestleMania has certainly been better in years past, and this quote from JR sums up the major theme heading into Sunday:
“This will likely be known as the Wrestlemania that injuries destroyed. Or, should it be known as the Wrestlemania that was laden with injuries and creative wasn’t able to bail them out?”
It’s another great blog that you should absolutely check out at JRsBarBQ.com.
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