Jim Ross Blogs About The Weekend’s WWE Tryout Camp

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. In this installment, Ross talks about this past weekend’s WWE tryout camp.

15 men took part in the camp on Friday and Saturday, with two 3-hour sessions taking place on each day. This camp was primarily made up of amateur wrestlers that included several, multi time All Americans, a Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist, a Pan American Games Gold Medalist, college football players, and an active United States Navy Seal.

Jim Ross wrote about them:

This was the best conditioned group of athletes that we’ve ever tried out and I’m fairly certain that WWE will offer multiple contracts to those that graded out the highest. I was hoping going in that we might be able to pick up two or so signees out of the 15 attending but that number could easily be doubled.


Several of the athletes also have college degrees ranging from sports management to finance to accounting which was impressive. Smart, focused, athletes who come from a structured environment and have been in a competitive environment for years adds to the developmental process.


The key will be can they learn to entertain at the same level that matches their athletic skills and intensity? For that answer, only time will tell.

The men who are offered WWE developmental deals will report to the new Performance Center in Orlando next month.