Jim Ross Clarifies Details Surrounding His AXS TV Departure

Jim Ross

Jim Ross announced recently his contract with AXS TV is up and he’s currently unable to negotiate a new one. JR mentioned that neither NJPW nor AXS TV played a role in him not signing a new deal to call NJPW.

He sent out the following Tweet today to provide further details on his departure from the network.

“To clarify the speculation, my departure from @AXSTV had zero to do with @njpwglobal or @mcuban’s network. My contract ends at years end and I was unable to legally negotiate a new arrangement. #ItsJustBusiness #NeverSayNever”

Jim Ross Contract Situation in 2019

JR originally addressed his contract situation this week on his podcast.

“It’s a tough week for me with AXS TV,” Ross said. “I’m here (in Los Angeles), going to do my last three shows for them (yesterday). That will take us through the end of the year on our Friday night slot on Mark Cuban’s network.”

He then explained that his contract with WWE extends until the end of March. It seems likely then that he would be unable to negotiate a new deal with AXS or NJPW until that time.

“My shows will run through the end of the year, that’s when my contract will be expiring. So then, I have a contract with WWE that will end at the end of March,” Ross continued.

JR has consistently said he has plenty of options available to him and that 2019 should be an interesting year for the business.

“And then we’ll see where things go. I have a lot of options, a lot of opportunities. I’m very blessed with everything that’s happened.”