WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:
WWE’s Booking of Seth Rollins:
“Funny how some people confuse Seth Rollins role of a chickens!t heel to being ‘booked weak.’ It’s obvious to me that Rollins is following a HBK path to some degree meaning that he will be a helluva fan favorite in time. Let’s not rush it.”
Brock Lesnar’s Appearance on RAW:
“Thought Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman were somewhat underutilized Monday night in a subdued, or so it seemed, Boston. Why can’t a disrespectful heel wanting to make a name for himself interrupting a Heyman promo and then Lesnar then takes matters into his own hands and woodsheds some poor bastard to provide the fans some hint of physicality? The Taker vs. Brock HIAC match is tepid at best since their Summer Slam match which had a unique finish that isn’t talked about enough IMO.”
The New Day:
“Big fan of the New Day trio and hope that they can become the heels WWE seemingly desires but it won’t be easy but it’s also not impossible. It’s going to take work and being smart especially on how the talents themselves execute in the ring.”