Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on his official website, www.jrsbarbq.com. Highlights are as follows:
WWE Legends’ House: “I know that it is a reality show that will see several WWE luminaries with strong personalities living in a large home in Southern California where they will attempt to coexist for several weeks. The 24/7 cameras rolling will undoubtedly capture some classic content. How several, I think 8, grumpy, old men survive this will be interesting and entertaining. I don’t know where Legends House will air but I assume that it was originally created for the upcoming WWE Network but also could theoretically air elsewhere.”
Brodus Clay: “He’s alive and well. I have the utmost confidence that the big man is going to eventually be successful in WWE. His absence from recent TV broadcasts isn’t a death sentence and has been grossly over analyzed by many. Clay had no role at Sunday’s Elimination Chamber which was obviously the focus of WWE TV in recent weeks. Lots of new personas have to be tweaked or should I say need to be tweaked on a regular basis. Clay’s upside is obvious IMO.”
His picks for Elimination Chamber: “Cena will beat Kane in what will be a challening, physical & a bowling shoe ugly brawl ending up with one man being taken out of Milwaukee in an ambulance.
“I’m thinking by hook or crook that Daniel Bryan retains the World Title in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber but these are so tough to predict.
“Seems as if CM Punk would be able to retain the WWE Title BUT Chris Jericho looms large and should not be overlooked. So…I’ll go with Jericho in the upset leading into WrestleMania 28.
“Beth Phoenix should retain against the vastly improved and evolving Tamina Snuka as I think that Kharma is impatiently waiting in the wings for the winner. However, if Tamina upsets the Divas Champion I will only be mildly surprised. She has really distinguished herself in the past few weeks.”