Home News Jim Ross On Radio, Discusses Raw to 3 hours, John Cena, & more.

Jim Ross On Radio, Discusses Raw to 3 hours, John Cena, & more.


The following recap comes to us from Prowrestling.net

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross appeared on Sports Talk AM-1400 in Oklahoma on Wednesday. The following are the pro wrestling related highlights of the interview.

-Jim Ross revealed that he will be in St. Louis for Raw 1000 on Monday. He said he didn’t know what his role will be, but he will be in attendance. “I wouldn’t miss this event for the word,” Ross said. He compared it to being a baseball player who waits to look at the lineup to find out what his role will be.

-Ross noted that the Raw 1000 event is nearly sold out.

-A caller noted that WrestleMania didn’t do enough to spotlight younger talent, and questioned whether Raw 1000 will do more in that regard. Ross disagreed with the caller’s assessment of WrestleMania. He said WWE is building toward the future and it is a slow process.

-Ross was asked whether Daniel Bryan will be a long term player in WWE. Ross said Bryan is amazing performer. He said there’s no doubt in his mind that WWE officials see him as one of the best they have on the roster.

-Ross was asked whether he will face Michael Cole on Raw 1000. “God, I hope not,” Ross cracked. He said he thinks they’ve put the fans through enough cruel and unusual punishment. Ross said there are so many young talents who need exposure that there’s no reason to give the time to a 60 year-old guy like him.

-Ross was asked whether he will be at SummerSlam. He said he will be there as a fan. He said he and his wife plan to attend the show. He stressed that he will appear as a fan and not as a broadcaster.

-A caller expressed concern about Raw expanding to three hours. Ross said it’s challenging to produce a three-hour television show in any genre. He said he thinks it could accelerate the development of younger talent and open the door for Divas and tag teams to get more air time. “It’s a good challenge to have,” Ross said regarding the expansion. He said time and the ratings will tell.

-A caller asked about John Cena being a polarizing figure. Ross noted that he signed Cena to his first deal. He said Cena is popular, yet polarizing. He said he is dedicated to his craft. He said Cena is a total team player and he loves that about him. “I really do have a great respect for him,” Ross said. He added that Ross is the top guy in the company without question.