Home News Jim Ross On Scripted Promos In WWE, Table For 3, Goldust As WWE Champion

Jim Ross On Scripted Promos In WWE, Table For 3, Goldust As WWE Champion


WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross recently updated the Q&A section of his official website, JRsBarBQ.com, answering questions from fans about topics such as the

On if WWE acknowledges the negative feedback they get from former WWE Superstars such as Bret Hart, Mick Foley and Vince Russo:

“Would it bother you if you were in their shoes and actually read the endless stream of negativity directed their way? I don’t have any idea if they actually immerse themselves in this info.”

On whether or not Goldust should get a run as WWE Champion before he retires:

“I’m a Goldust fan and respect him and his work greatly but I’d not have any desire for him to be WWE Champion at this stage of his game.”

On whether or not people in WWE read his website and if he’d be willing to do a WWE Network “Table For 3” episode with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler:

“Whether someone in WWE reads my work or listens to my podcasts isn’t a concern to me. However, I’d be happy to work on any WWE projects if they fit my schedule and I thought that I’d enjoy doing them. Me working on projects in WWE isn’t an issue with me but is strictly a WWE decision.”

On not being a fan of scripted promos in WWE:

“I am not a fan of long, scripted promos in today’s world of pro wrestling. They are predictable and come off as nothing more than time fillers moe often than not.