Home News Jim Ross Q&A: Alberto Del Rio’s WWE Release, Too Many Titles In WWE? & More

Jim Ross Q&A: Alberto Del Rio’s WWE Release, Too Many Titles In WWE? & More


The following are highlights of a new Q&A update by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

On a promotion having too many titles: “Yes they can have too many titles. A primary men’s title, tag titles and a women’s title for sure and then perhaps one other inmost cases. For a large company like WWE I like the IC and US Titles but only IF they meant more. A TV Title is in the discussion.”

On Alberto Del Rio’s WWE release: “I do not know the details of what happened with ADR and the WWE employee. I refrain from addressing the matter considering that I don’t know the details. I’d suggest however that WWE isn’t less tolerable to racial issues or poor behavior than when I was there. For all I know it might be a storyline being constructed.”

On who is responsible for wrestler’s ring gear in WWE: “Once it’s approved by upper management it’s up to the talents and the seamstresses that work for the company.”

On Eve Torres: “Eve Torres Gracie is a wonderful woman who’s obviously beautiful and who loves MMA. She was a credit to the WWE while she was there and I wish her nothing but the best. Excellent athlete.”

Check out more of JR’s Q&A at JRsBarBQ.com. You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at WWEShop.com.

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