Home News Jim Ross Q&A: WM31 Main Event, Lucha Underground, TNA’s Style, Noble/Mercury

Jim Ross Q&A: WM31 Main Event, Lucha Underground, TNA’s Style, Noble/Mercury


The following are highlights of a recent Jim Ross website Q&A update:

On if TNA should try and be more of a Japanese style product to differentiate themselves from WWE: “Another topic that I’ve blogged about many times and addressed multiple times on my Ross Report Podcast. Yes…Impact should focus on what their talents do best and that is wrestle and do so in a believable, physical style.”

On if he knew WWE was faking marital problems between Tyson Kidd and Natalya: “Yes I did . You know that the presentation is fictional, right?”

On Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury being part of The Authority: “This one might be over thought for now as I enjoy the antics of Noble and Mercury. I see your point but I can also see what they are doing working as well.”

On WWE using smaller wrestlers these days: “There is a changing of the guard but getting smaller by design likely isn’t in the plan.”

On the WrestleMania 31 main event: “I have no idea what WWE is going to do at WM31 but a triple threat match between Rollins-Ambrose-Reigns would shock me.”

On Lucha Underground: “I’ve blogged about it and talked about it on my podcast, The Ross Report at podcastone.com and iTunes. It’s different and unique in many ways…not a fan of intergender stuff but the look of the show is good and the bell to bell product is largely entertaining.”

Check out more JR Q&A updates at JRsBarBQ.com. You can also order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at WWEShop.com.

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