WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety over at JRsBarBQ.com. JR talks about a number of topics, including the premiere of Shawn Michaels’ new hunting show, his online BBQ store, the Shawn Michaels – Bret Hart DVD project he is a part of, a top UFC fighter suspended for steroids and much more. He also spoke at length about CM Punk’s memorable shoot promo from Monday’s RAW. Here’s what JR said:
“CM Punk’s show closing promo on MNR is still seemingly the talk of the wrestling biz. It was the best promo that I’ve heard on TV in years. Can’t say it was the definitive ‘best ever’ but it ranks among the best that I can recall. Steve Austin, who cut some memorable promos in his day, was extremely impressed with Punk’s work as were several other great promo men such as JBL and Mick Foley.”
“Normally when a talent is extremely passionate about a topic or an issue and speaks from their heart and not from a memorized document, the promo has a fighting chance at being stellar.”
“The first thing that must be in place for a promo to be great is that it must be natural ala from the heart and not from memory plus the talent must believe in what they are saying and not simply verbally filling time. Every promo must have a reason for taking place much akin to why most matches occur especially on PPV or in TV main events”
“Talking on a wrestling show should be special, and that means all talk, and with the special meaning that all talk should have a purpose. Too much talk for talk’s sake waters down the product, slows the process and disconnects with many viewers especially when it is obvious that the talents that are talking are not skilled and/or are simply reciting what they’ve memorized.”
“Punk says that he is leaving after the MITB Ladder Match PPV in Punk’s hometown of Chicago in July. He also says he’s leaving WWE with the WWE Title. Those two elements certainly should make for some compelling TV on Monday Night Raw. Whether Punk wins or doesn’t win the WWE Title is a hill I choose not to die upon but Punk staying in WWE is something that I personally hope happens in some shape, form or fashion. punk has as much to say about that eventual decision as anyone and as we have seen if one can predict what Punk’s going to do next then take those instincts to Vegas and make some big money.”
“Punk’s promo was reminiscent of the Attitude Era but it was totally PG. PG can be edgy but it doesn’t need to travel an uncreative, low road to be attitudinal or cool. “
As always, head over to JRsBarBQ.com to read the full blog and check out his excellent line of BBQ products.
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