Jim Ross Speaks On Matt Hardy/WWE Rumors & The Cruiserweights

jim ross


Jim Ross has weighed in on today’s news that WWE reportedly wants to sign Matt Hardy next year, saying fans would be even happier if the company could get back both Hardy brothers. In his latest blog entry, the WWE Hall of Famer says he doesn’t know the validity of the report, but was in favor of Matt returning to the company with or without his brother Jeff.

“Matt has developed the freshest, most unique pro wrestling TV persona in the biz, which is a tribute to a talent with an established persona recreating himself with a new persona,” Ross wrote. “If more talents would think outside the box like this, more talents would have less to complain about regarding their elusive “push.” Matt Hardy will be joining me on the Ross Report Podcast in November so stay tuned for that show. “

J.R. noted that Hardy will be joining him on his Ross Report podcast in November. Hardy has appeared on recent podcasts fully in-character as “Broken” Matt.

Ross also touched on the cruiserweight division on RAW that debut this week, advising the new WWE stars that it takes more than high spots to have success. “The Cruiserweights longevity is directly tied to how well they connect to the fan base including how good their verbal skills are perceived,” he said. Ross added that this new division has “amazing potential” and that he hopes the athletes take advantage of the opportunity.


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